Fixing Discoloration

  • Admin 

Nothing is worse than your favorite white shirt turning pink because of a spill from red cloth. In fact, there is nothing difficult in fixing discoloration. Try the remedial and preventive tips we provide you here.

Why do clothes get discolored?

The dyeing process, the materials, and the dye itself affect cloth discoloration. For example, red dye contains a chemical that makes it difficult to settle into the fabric. Therefore, red dye tends to bleed more than other colors do. You should check the care symbols to understand the fabric profile and appropriate maintenance. Moreover, you should test the discoloration after purchasing any new piece by rubbing a small, not-so-exposed spot, such as the seam or the back of the collar, with a clean, damp cloth and see if the color is transferred to the cloth. If not, you may clean the piece as normal. If there is any color transfer, wash the piece separately in cold water, as heat stimulates dye bleeding.

Fixing discoloration

  • If you notice any color transfer, try to clean it right away. Once it is dry, it becomes more difficult to fix. Immediately clean the piece by applying stain-removal product on the spot before soaking the piece in water mixed with an efficient detergent. Leave for approximately 1 hour and rinse.

  • If there is still any trace of color, boil the piece in hot water mixed with vinegar for approximately 30 minutes, then wash and rub with detergent. This will help remove the color stain. If it is not possible to boil the piece, add vinegar into water mixed with detergent and leave for about 1 hour before washing as normal.

  • Another way to fix discoloration on clothes is to soak the piece in water mixed with salt and leave overnight. It also makes the piece look bright like new, apart from removing the discoloration stain.

No more discoloration on your favorite pieces! Simply try our remedial methods to fix discoloration on colored clothes, the testing method and the preventive method we provide here. You can now be confident with laundry and enjoy like-new, stain-free clothes.

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